TAN LEE & PARTNERS | Legal consultation, Claims and Dispute, Family Dispute, Child Custody Estate and Probate and Real Estate Services | Skills and Experience Our Partners, Mr. Lee Chow Soon and Ms. Mabel Tan Swee Hong

AREAS OF LAW - Conveyancing

  • Property Sales and Purchases (Residential & Commercial)
  • Mortgages & Loans
  • CPF
  • Property Financing
  • Landlord & Tenant Law
  • Commercial and Residential Leases
  • Licences
  • En-bloc Sales
  • Property Development
  • Property Management
  • Property Disputes
  • General Real Estate matters
  • Strata Title Board Matters


Notable Experience / Transactions

  • Qualified to act for most of the major financial institutions in Singapore
  • Appointed to the CPF Conveyancing Panel of Lawyers
  • Acted in various en-bloc sales
  • Acted for clients in successfully opposing an en-bloc sale application before the STB

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